A periwinkle herb called Chicory

Summertime brings my favorite wildflower herb, Chicory out in full bloom. The chicory plant opens in the morning and sometimes closes during the heat of the day, later to open again when it gets cooler out. I love driving by seeing the beautiful blue flowers, my favorite, almost periwinkle color. Dr. Bach created a flower essence with Chicory for people to feel balance and he said this about the person needing Chicory. “Those who are very mindful of the needs of others; they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them. The over care and concern for others may lead to a 'clinging’ and ‘co-dependent’ type of behavior towards those we love. This essence allows us to let go, love unconditionally with absolute freedom, keeps us from being overly sensitive and able to create boundaries. Chicory helps with abandonment issues and wounds from rejection that result in holding people so tightly that they pull away, creating a vicious cycle. Chicory helps you love deeply and completely without any strings attached. It brings a sense of security in all close relationships, and once those close to you feel the release, they too are free to love with no reservations. Chicory teaches about love; it calms neediness by revealing the source of unconditional love— and with that comes new-found security. Keywords :Abandonment, Aging, Altruism, Animals and Animal Care, Attachment, Attention, Children, Co-Dependence, Egotism, Inner Child, Irritability, Love, Manifestation, Martyrdom, Mother and Mothering, Personal Relationships, Possessiveness, Power, Rejection, Release, Responsibility, Self-Concern, Selfishness, Sharing.