Getting ready for the New Year with Bach Flower Essences

As we near the end of 2023, we should like to take some quiet time reflecting on the year past. Sometimes the new year comes upon us so quickly that its hard to take a slow breath before a new year begins. The culture of today seems to look at the new year as a new starting point for physical changes and goals for a new healthy body. What about how we are feeling though ? Doesn’t that seem to drive the forward motion on most goals ? Taking a little time to sort out what and where we are with how we are feeling about the past year and going forward can be helped with flower essences .

Dr. Bach the founder of the Bach Flower Essence system believed that illness was cause by emotional upsets that haven't t been resolved and end up finding lodgment in the body. He said all illness is self correcting, that it serves to keep us from doing more harm to ourselves or others, which affects the greater good. Dr. Bach’s system has us look at how were are feeling in the moment and work to resolve those sometimes uncomfortable places with the help of flower essences. Using flower essences is a simple systems that allows the flowers vibration to gently uplift the spirit and emotions and to move through to higher thoughts and clarity.

Going forward into the new year and using flowers can help with procrastination, say if you have a goal to get up and go to the gym. Hornbeam is a great essence to use if thats a struggle getting going. Simple and easy to use , Bach flowers are non toxic, organic and free from any side effects. We can easily pick a flower or several that seem to suit us. Two drops of one or several flowers mixed together in spring water and sipped through out the day can help to shift our day and maybe even get clarity for changes for the next day, week or months ahead. Sometimes we can get stuck, not being certain what flower essence might be right for us. That may be a time to schedule a Bach Flower Consultation. This approach allows the practitioner to listen and hear what you might be saying and find a combination that can be mixed and prepared especially for you ! It’s best to choose a practitioner that is registered through the Bach Foundation which keeps that practitioner aligned with Dr. Bach’s method.

Hoping you enjoy a healthy, clear 2024!! Happy New Year !!