What's going on with my sinuses? Australian Bush flowers combo can help

Flower Essences have provided since the 1930s; people a way to heal their bodies through their emotions. Dr Bach was the original creator of the flower essences and since then other flower essences and companies have come along from other parts of the world. Australian Bush flowers provide some really great options for emotional healing. 

Emotional healing is interrelated to the physical body Feel better in your mind, feel better in the body . Let’s talk about sinuses.  A great combination to use using Australian Bush flower essences  is a combination of Fringed  Violet,  Bush Iris and Dagger Hakea. The combination of these three really works to clean the lymphatic system, the liver and protect the aura.

Lets break it down. Bush Iris is a beautiful indigo colored flower which has been known to enhance spiritual awareness. It seems to foster faith and helps people step forward fearlessly in life knowing that God is with them. It can be helpful at the end of life and when there is a fear of dying and a fear of dying that leads to holding onto life. Dagger Hakea grows in  heathland areas and is found growing along bush tracks, that require a precarious and sometimes painful passage.  The Doctrine of  and Signatures is evident in the  remedy, as it can be for people whose tongue can be sharp,  those who hold grudges and those who can be “prickly” around others. It helps with being open and expressing feelings; also  forgiveness and of intense feelings of resentment and bitterness. Fringed  Violet’s  Doctrine of Signatures shows the plants hair like cilia that resemble an aura.  Anything that disturbs someone’s inner peace and  balance is helped with Fringed Violet. The color is a beautiful violet which again suggests a spiritual position in the body as it also helps with electromagnetic radiation from powerlines and transmission towers.  The three essences together in relation to sinuses show us that anger and bitterness , with a fear of dying or feeling disconnected from God , along with feeling that our psychic protection is weak can lead to sinus trouble. Flower essences can help us understand ourselves better and our relationship to others and God. Try this combination is you have sinus trouble and see what kind of healing and resolution you find in your life. 

Blessings, may you find peace

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