Detox in 2023

Flower essences and homeopathic cell salts offer different ways of cleansing the system. One way to begin the New Year is with a gentle emotional detox. Flower essences can help emotions that live in the body through emotional release and awareness . Dr. Bach believed that emotions that we haven’t acknowledged are what make us unwell. By looking at those feelings and the thoughts that drive those feelings, we have insight into our spiritual nature and what needs to be addressed to feel good again. Star of Bethlehem is used for shock or trauma recent or even from long ago that locked that experience in our body somewhere. Crab Apple the essence for physical cleansing is helpful if you are feeling unclean or the need for a physical or emotional detox. This works great with any type of fasting you might be doing. Walnut helps with alcohol addiction and could be used to hold fast to a decision to stop poisoning your body with alcohol. Walnut would also help with any type addiction and feeling strong about the change you are making in your life.

Cell salts work on the physical nature and so during any type of cleanse, Nature Sulphuricum can help the gall bladder and liver to work properly. If you have been eating fatty, greasy foods and the gall bladder is feeling compromised., Nat Sulph is one to look at . Kali Sulphuricum works to help the liver work properly and is especially helpful if there is any yellow mucus discharging from the body. Making sure you are getting enough water and hydration to cleanse the lymph is important. Natrum Muraticum balances the bodies fluids and keeps hydration level optimal. Kali Muraticum helps the glands work and function which can get bogged down if the lymph is sluggish. Kali Mur is also helpful for those who have been vaccinated with the covid 19 vaccine and are trying to rid themselves of the spike protein contained in the vxx.

Australian Bush flowers offer some helpful energetic essences to cleanse all the different layers of our energetic system. Australian Bush flowers have a combination essence which I love called Purifying. It is made out of the following essences: Bottlebrush foe the colon, Bush Iris,a strong lymphatic cleanser, Dagger Hakea for the liver,, Dog Rose the kidneys and Wild Potato Bush for heavy metal cleansing. Just seven. drops am and pm for 2 weeks will help cleanse all the major detox pathways and to draw out the heavy metals accumulated in the body which can be really challenging to get rid of.

Great products offered through Purium like Fulvic Zeolite provide a natural way to pull heavy metals out of the body, easily and just by increasing the number of drops per day for two weeks.

These different and unique approaches can be used alone or together for a full body detox !

I also provide consultations if you would like help going forward and aren’t sure what might be right for you :)

Hope this finds you on the path to wellness and a clean and clear 2023 !!