The Love of Chicory

Chicory is of a European origin and followed European travelers  to virtually all parts of the  world.  It inhabits the disturbed soils of roadsides and in the summertime it’s blue flowers provided a kind of counterpoint to the many white  and yellow flowering plants that also inhabits such transitional areas. 

Edward Bach found the beautiful blue flower growing wild in the surrounding areas where he lived.  He chose the Chicory flower as one of his original Twelve Healers. Chicory is also considered a “type “ remedy , being one that folks can be as a general personality type.

The Bach flower Chicory  personality in its positive state translates as unconditional love. However, in the negative state the personality functions quite the opposite. Philip Chancellor in his book “Illustrated  Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies” states “ in some people the love aspect is blocked in its outward flow and is turned inward to the self.  It is then that such an individual becomes congested mentally and physically for outgiving love has turned to grasping possessiveness, to an egoistic concern. Such is the Chicory type person; such an emotional state of mind can be corrected by Chicory.” 

The flower essence Chicory works to help people let go of expectations one might have of their loved ones. It clears a way of understanding that love to others is freely given and freely returned. Self pity and a need for attention dissolves; allowing the soul to do the work it came here to do.. The heart chakra finds balance and begins to work properly.