Coming back with Bach Flowers ; hope for Autism

Children respond well to subtle energetic healing modalities because they have less emotional and psychological blocks. As we age we add layers of pain, frustration, shock and trauma to our energy fields, making use of the remedies a sometimes more lengthy process. Children on the other hand, find more ease and a sometimes quicker resolution to come back into balance . Our bodies vital force works to keep us going in the best possible direction after emotional, psychological or physical toxins have been imposed on us.

For children suffering from Autism , their imbalance can be seen or experienced in many different ways. Bach Flower essences have been found to help create emotional and psychological harmony in these children lives. As a result, children function better and can in turn find more physical balance too. The vital force working in our lives wants to find the best way to keep us going forward . Flower essences can help balance the pathways that the vital force may not be using along with helping the vital force in the pathway it has chosen.

We all experience a certain amount of dissociation in life depending on what has happened to us in our lives and also the toxicity caused by food, prescription drugs and vaccinations. Anything that the body identifies as toxic is handled by the vital force and pushed to an area best equipped to handle that. The disassociation that we all feel at any point can be gently brought back to alignment with Bach Flower essences based on our emotional symptoms. As a Bach Flower Practitioner, I can help teach you the simple system created by Dr. Bach which allows parents to chose a remedy or remedies that best fits their childs emotional states. For example, Clematis is a flower used to help with inattentiveness, and the child may have a vacant , far away look about them. Clematis can help bring our consciousness back to the present which in turn may help us feel stronger physically. This can be a wonderful remedy for Autistic children if the symptoms match those of the child .

The use of Bach Flower essences for Autism has been widely studied and used over the last several decades, aiding parents with helpful energetic tools to help bring the body, mind and spirit of their child back into harmony and balance.