Is your aura damaged ? Fringed Violet can help!

Australian Bush flower essence offers a wonderful remedy for a damaged aura. Its name is Fringed Violet. We are born with a healthy, mostly open aura. As life begins to happen to us the aura slowly begins to close , like a babies fontanelle, and until it closes remains open to negative influences. The aura being our energetic life field, is subject to those negative influences. Most of the time the aura holds those negative influences at bay, but traumatic events can be troubling enough that they permeate the aura. Sensitive people tend to have a more permeable aura and may have a harder time keeping those influence or events from affecting them. Ian White says” there may be indications for Fringed Violet in the eyes: unequal pupil size, very large pupils , the nerve wreath shattered and also a lack of clarity in the border between the iris and the white of the eye, indicating a person who is too easily influenced by others or external events. Fringed Violet help to keep intact a person’s protection, thus blocking the unwanted external energies. It is excellent for people who are drained by others, or those who unconsciously absorb the physical and emotional imbalances of others. It’s a great remedy for therapists, counselors, etc. who are empathetic and work with others emotional states. Fringed Violet along with Crowea, Waratah, Paw Paw, and Bush Fuchia are excellent in negating the effects of electro magnetic radiation. This is what makes up Australian Bush flowers essence Electro. Keep a bottle of Fringed Violet handy before outings to large groups of people and before flying.