Banksia Robur ~ Swamp Banksia

This Australian Bush flower remedy is for situations involving temporary tiredness., frustrations or setbacks. It is for people who are normally very dynamic , with abundant energy and enthusiasm. But, for some reason or another are left feeling downhearted. Ian White says this is the first remedy to think of in the treatment of ME or chronic fatigue .

Life has a natural ebb and flow, as also the seasons have a natural time of outward energy and a slower inward energy . Many people experience the ebb and flow of energy as a natural cycle and this remedy can help when they feel frustrated at the low ebb of energy.

Banksia Robur can help people by lifting their feeling of being “stuck in a swamp” and can be a wonderful catalyst for movement forward. The negative condition of low energy, disheartened and weary can transform into energy , enthusiasm and renewed interest in life.