Kali Phosphoricum 6X 100 Tablets


Kali Phosphoricum 6X 100 Tablets


Kali Phos (Kali Phosphoricum) Potassium Phosphate 12x Soother of jangled nerves. -Helps calm irritable tempers -Helps people when they become depressed or when they suffer from headaches due to nervousness -Helps insomniacs enjoy a restful night of sleep, works as a tranquilizer -Most important of the three potassium remedies in the twelve-remedy cell salt group -Helps banish irritability, worry, intense fears, over-excitement, over-work, & depression - including extreme depression -Helps people who have suffered from grief & sorrow for long periods of time -Good for senility & poor memory -Restores order & direction to the mind & body -Helpful for those irritated by noises -Helpful for headaches connected with irritability, fatigue, & mental exertion -Symptoms for this remedy tend to be worse in the morning & evening & persist into the night, cold air worsens symptoms, fasting improves symptoms -Good for vision if colors, black spots, or a halo effect is present -Can help eliminate offensive body odors -Good for hacking coughs, short, spasmodic coughs, & coughs from asthma (kali phos. is specific for asthmatic coughs) -Taken with mag. phos for angina pectoris -Great for anything connected with heart trouble -When the heart is full of fat or is degenerating, the lungs are inflamed, or there is pain in the chest, this should be taken on a regular basis

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