Natrum Sulphuricum 6X 100 Tablets


Natrum Sulphuricum 6X 100 Tablets


Nat Sulph (Natrum Sulphuricum) Sodium Sulphate 12x A miraculous remedy for asthma. Has a powerful influence on the waste-removing process of the body's cells. -Helpful for asthma, diabetes, influenza, & old head injuries -Main cell salt for asthma - particularly asthma with a hard cough, thick expectoration, & the desire to take long, deep breaths -Good for conditions aggravated by dampness, fog, & wet weather -Helps with hay fever that comes on during a damp, chilly day or a hot, humid day -Heals the mucus membranes -Works in the fluids between the cells, acting as part of the process that enables the cells to discern what they need in the fluids outside themselves & what substances are harmful & must be eliminated -Acts as a "sensor" & has the ability to aid the cells in finding sustenance -Nat Sulph. works with silica to help with asthma attacks -Can help with gall bladder troubles -Helps in cases of head injuries -Controls the action of the liver -Helps with irritability -Natural sleeping potion -Helps with feelings of discouragement - improves mental outlook -Helpful in cases of gout, & in alleviating pain associated with teeth & dentistry

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