Magnesia Phosphorica 6X 100 Tablets


Magnesia Phosphorica 6X 100 Tablets


Mag Phos (Magnesia Phosphorica) Magnesium Phosphate 12x 1oz. A wonderful remedy for muscle spasms, cramps, pain and inflammation. An amazing antispasmodic remedy. -Person suffers constantly from emotional ups & downs -Helpful for spasms that affect the connective muscles, intestines, retinas, & blood vessels; dizziness; migraines; & nausea & cold sweats -People who need this remedy tend to look thin & weak, have nutritional or allergy problems, & are plagued by cramps & nervousness -Needed by the brain, heart, & muscles to relax -Helpful if symptoms improve with heat & pressure, pain moves fom place to place & is recurrent - pain may show up in head, stomach & bowels, & even in the ovaries & limbs -Good for toothaches -Recommended for most kinds of cramps, including stomach cramps with flatuence -Can cure stubborn cases of hiccups -Helpful for chest pains -Soothes arthritis & rheumatism -Good for vomiting & watery diarrhea -Helps with forgetfullness & lack of concentration -Relieves menstrual cramps -Good for person with a thirst for cold drinks & sugar, & an aversion to coffee & a feeling of drowsiness -Good for excruciating pain & extreme exhaustion

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