Kali Muriaticum 6X 100 Tablets


Kali Muriaticum 6X 100 Tablets


Kali Mur (Kali muriaticum) Potassium chloride 12X The remedy for sluggish, run-down conditions. Subtle acting but important constituent of the muscles, nerve cells, & brain cells. -Indicated in many of the same ailments as potassium sulfate (Kali Sulp), however, color exudations requiring Kali Mur tend to be white rather than yellow -Most helpful in treating chronic ailments, especially where severe inflammation is involved -Can help destroy bacterial waste products where the body is fighting off fever or infection -Retards the body's secretion mechanism & can be useful in cases of discharge or excess clotting -Acts as a blood thinner & can restore normal blood flow through the arteries -Should be taken routinely, works as a building agent -Useful when the liver is sluggish & when piles exude dark, clotted blood -Helps develop new vitality & energy -Used to treat earaches -Used for loud, stomach-originating coughs & short acute coughs -Good for people who have trouble digesting fatty foods, suffer from flatuence, or have a sluggish liver

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